2024-04-17 14:30:19
本次展会以:“数智赋能拓赛道 稳基强链促共赢”为主题,共吸引来自27个国家和地区的1006家行业企业参展。展会现场高端多元的展览形式,最新技术的发布给大家带来精彩纷呈的观展体验。
The 35th CRH has successfully concluded on April 10, 2024 at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. The theme of this exhibition is " More Digital Intelligence and Emerging Tracks for Win-win Growth ", attracting 1006 industry enterprises from 27 countries and regions to participate. The high-end and diverse exhibition formats at the exhibition site, along with the release of the latest technology, bring everyone a wonderful and diverse viewing experience.